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Minds & Milkshakes

In this study, we want to see the relationship between weight gain and feeling full. We are looking for children ages 13-16 to complete three in person study visits. Children will complete a series of taste tests, brain games, surveys, and an fMRI scan. A parent or guardian will be asked to fill out surveys about their family's activities and eating habits. Participants will be compensated for their time and participation.

Age & Gender

  • 13 years ~ 16 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive

Visit Availability

  • Standard business hours (M-F, 8-5)
  • Extended hours (M-F, early morning or evening)
  • Weekend hours, if needed


North Carolina (Statewide)

What will be asked of you

At the visits, children will be asked to complete a series of taste tests, brain games, and surveys. We will also ask about the food the child eats, and get an image of the brain using an fMRI. A parent or guardian will be asked to fill out surveys at the visit. Child and parent/guardian height and weight will be taken. For adolescents that are comfortable with phlebotomy, there is an optional blood draw for additional compensation.


The participant (parent/guardian) will receive up to $800 for completing all study visits (up to $260 for the 2 baseline visits).).

In-person visits:
Total length of participation:
2 baselines visits ~2 hours each, 1-year follow-up (1.5 hours), 2-year follow-up (1.5 hours), and 3 year follow up (~3 hours)

Looking for Healthy Volunteers

Requirements for healthy volunteers are different than for those with a specific condition. If you are interested in becoming a healthy volunteer for this study, use the below categories to determine if you are able to participate.

Able to participate:

  • Your child is between the ages of 14 and 16 years old
  • Your child is generally healthy
  • You are willing to enroll both yourself and your child in the study
  • Comfortable lying down in an MRI machine

Not eligible if:

  • Your child is diagnosed with any major psychiatric disorders (e.g. major depression, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder)
  • Your child uses nicotine, illicit, or pschoactive drugs more than three times a week
  • Your child has any current, serious medical problems (e.g., diabetes, cancer)
  • Your child has food allergies (e.g. gluten, nuts, dairy)
  • Your child is pregnant or breastfeeding

Contact the Team

Visit Location

Contact & Visit Location

Primary Contact

Primary Visit Location

Fetzer Hall (UNC-Chapel Hill)
210 South Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA

Secondary Visit Location

Biomedical Research Imaging Center
Marsico Hall (UNC-Chapel Hill)
125 Mason Farm Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA

Additional Study Information

Principal Investigator

Kyle Burger

Study Type

Behavioral or Social

Study Topics

Child and Teen Health
Eating, Nutrition, and Metabolism
Healthy Volunteer or General Population
Wellness and Lifestyle

IRB Number


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