By hosting focus groups with Black and Latinx parents, we want to learn about their experiences and concerns about feeding their infants and obesity risk. We also want to learn about their knowledge of and interest in learning about responsive feeding. We would also like to hear their thoughts and ideas for a study about planned obesity prevention.
As you well know, the therapeutic relationship is an important component of evidence-based practice and a key factor in the successful outcome of a course of psychotherapy. We are doing a study to better understand how psychotherapists feel about their patients during their therapy sessions. By completing this survey, you will help us to develop an evidence-based questionnaire for the assessment of patients' in-session feelings. The final questionnaire will enable researchers and clinicians to learn more about the therapist's experiences as well as the therapeutic relationship, with the goal of improving the therapy process and outcomes.
UNC Center for Aging and Health needs your help to understand the feelings of family/informal caregivers of nursing home residents with dementia about reducing or stopping osteoporosis medications.
The purpose of this study is to understand the perspectives of middle schoolers as they have navigated schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The purpose of this project is to explore how Black women experience and navigate the postpartum year after childbirth.
This study is creating and improving a program that will be used during inpatient treatment to help better teach skills in virtual school settings for adolescents hospitalized for suicide-related crises.
The purpose of the REHEARSe study is to help women with a recent heart attack improve their ability to recognize future heart symptoms and know when to call the health care team about symptom changes. If you are part of the study a registered nurse will teach you about what causes a heart attack, how to prevent another one, how to monitor yourself for symptoms, and what to do if symptoms return. You will also be given access to an educational website with additional resources designed to improve heart health.
The research study seeks to improve the effectiveness of warnings for little cigars and cigarillos (LCCs) among youth. Scientific findings will provide novel and necessary evidence regarding the effectiveness of LCC warnings and will inform efforts to strengthen warnings through larger warning size and added images. Ultimately, this research can be used to reduce LCC use among youth and lessen tobacco-related disparities.
In this study, we want to learn about the differences in the personal values of donors based on cultural and ethnic backgrounds. This will help organizations to better understand how to engage people from various cultures and ethnicities on issues that affect their communities.
Latino/a/x populations are diverse, and one area of diversity is by race. For this study we are interested in learning from the perspectives of Black Latin Americans in the United States (Afro-Latinos) to understand their experiences in the U.S. This includes what stress they face, how that stress affects their health (physical, mental), and experiences with the healthcare system.