Persons with stroke suffer limited walking distances due to sensory and motor changes following injury. Robotic exoskeletons have become a recent topic of study, specifically to the ankle joint to provide walking assistance and enable those to walk for longer distances. However, no study has investigated how to teach persons to use these assistive devices to greatest benefit. This study aims to determine the optimal settings and feedback with an ankle exoskeleton in order to teach a person with a stroke to use the device optimally. You will get to wear an exoskeleton on your ankle and experience a futuristic walking experience while helping the team gain new knowledge!
Do you have COPD or want to help us understand COPD? If so, you may be able to take part in a research study. We want to learn more about how nose inflammation is related to COPD. We are looking for people with COPD and healthy volunteers for this study. Compensation provided.
The IBIS Network recently received a grant from NIH to study brain and behavior development in infants with Down Syndrome as well as non affected infants. The goal of our new study is to identify the features of Down Syndrome at an earlier age. We will be recruiting infants across all IBIS Network locations 6-months of age and younger. Travel and Compensation provided.
Are you a healthy person? Have you wanted to get involved in clinical research in lung diseases? If so, you can join our registry list of interested individuals through a quick online form. We will give you a call if there are studies that you may be eligible for.
Help us understand female adolescent depression! Starting at puberty, girls are almost three times more likely to be diagnosed with a mood disorder than boys. The goal of the EVOLVE study is to understand the impact of changing hormones, stress, and sleep on mood symptoms during the pubertal transition.
For caregivers of grieving children who weren't the romantic partner of the parent who died (if you weren't together as a couple) at the time of their death, please help us better understand your experience. Sharing your thoughts will help us create better resources and support for families like yours.
Are you interested in speech and language? If you have had a stroke you may be able to take part in a study to help us understand speech patterns.
Would you like to participate in research studies to help better understand lung health and the effect of air pollution on the lungs? We are currently looking for people with no history or asthma or smoking to see if you are eligible for other studies surrounding these topics.
Are you pregnant and planning to deliver at UNC? We are interested in investigating how the stress affects pregnancy outcomes. Our study uses simple surveys (up to 4 times). Participants are eligible for a raffle to win one of five $50 gift cards! You can also join a second part of this study and provide a blood sample when your blood is drawn at your OB appointment; once we collect your blood you will receive a 'thank you' gift of newborn care items valued at $20!
Have you had a stroke? Did someone you care about have a stroke? If you are interested in participating in research studies related to stroke, you may join the UNC Stroke Research Registry. People on the registry may be called by researchers to find out if they want to participate in one or more studies related to stroke.