We are looking for women between the ages of 18-45 to join a national health study to help us understand the impact of HIV on women's lives and bodies. Both women living with HIV and women without HIV are invited to take part.
We are looking for people who are between the ages of 30-70 to join a national health study to help us better understand the impact of chronic health conditions on people living with HIV. Both people living with HIV and people without HIV are invited to take part.
During puberty, adolescents grow and change a lot which may make life seem more stressful and emotional. Male and female adolescents experience the changes associated with puberty differently, possibly because of different responses to changes in hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. We are interested in learning more about the role of these hormones in regulating emotional processing and mood symptoms, and whether a mobile training program can help improve mood during the pubertal transition. Participation is 8 weeks with two monthly follow-up surveys. Compensation provided.
We want to learn how people's brains adapt when responding to various food stimuli and decision-making processes. We also want to learn about brain responses to food and beverage consumption. To do this, we will use taste tests, surveys, behavioral tasks, and neuroimaging (fMRI scan).
The purpose of this research study is to get feedback from Black and Latino (a/e/x) participants on the SMILE mHealth app, an app developed to monitor the effects of a mindfulness program through heart rate monitoring and questionnaires.
Leveraging our decades of experience studying the acute and chronic effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and concussion, our investigative team propose an innovative, translational approach that bridges both preclinical and clinical studies. We propose testing multiple potential preventative and therapeutic strategies in the preclinical setting, while simultaneously conducting a prospective, longitudinal study of neurologic health outcomes associated with concussion and sub-concussive exposure in former NFL players. Our prior studies of former NFL players over the past 15 years provide us with a unique opportunity to conduct a truly prospective, longitudinal study of long-term neurologic health outcomes and determine any possible association with concussion and repetitive sub-concussive exposure. In parallel, we have developed animal models of repeated concussions (repetitive mild TBI [rmTBI]) and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). We have studied the effects of readily translatable preventative and therapeutic strategies, including the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist memantine, low dose carbon monoxide
Did you receive a COVID-19 vaccine during or immediately before pregnancy? You may be able to take part in this study to help us learn more about the developmental outcomes of your child.
In this study, we want to learn more about the experiences and activities of high school-aged youth after a neurological event. This study will also help us to understand the perspectives of youth and a parent/caregiver through photos and stories.
We want to learn more about how executive functioning differs between children with ADHD, ASD, or neither. We have finished recruiting for our ADHD and typically developing groups but are still recruiting autistic children to be a part of our study. Children will complete an iPad-based measure of executive functioning and complete various tasks while their brain activity is being monitored using EEG. We will also complete a short eye-tracking task. Parents will fill out different forms to get an understanding of each child's developmental history and current behaviors.
Learn more about the learning experiences of undergraduate students when they take Asian Studies courses in order to improve the engagement of students in the future.