The purpose of this research study is to learn from YMSM about their perceptions of two phone apps designed to increase HIV testing, PrEP uptake, and other prevention strategies. We also want to learn about whether the apps encourage behavior change, as they are designed to do.
We want to see how different approaches to group mentoring will impact postdoctoral fellows and assistant professors in both their personal and professional lives. This study will include 9 months of group meetings.
This study consists of two online surveys and one laboratory visit on the UNC campus. Plus, a subset of participants will be randomized to make small shifts in their daily behaviors for 35 consecutive days and all participants will complete brief nightly surveys during that 35-day phase. Some participants will also watch a short, 10 minute video.
At the UNC At the Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders, our mission is to better understand the causes and consequences of eating disorders in order to develop better treatment options. In pursuit of this mission, we conduct several research studies each year. To conduct these research studies, we need help from volunteers - individuals who want to help us better understand eating disorders. You can help by volunteering to join our research registry. Anyone can join our registry. We welcome volunteers with no history of an eating disorder, as well as volunteers with a current or past history of an eating disorder.
Are you or someone you know related to an adult or child with Type 1 Diabetes? If so, you may eligible to participate in TrialNet.
The participant registry will assist with study recruitment for current and future studies at the UNC-CH Adams School of Dentistry.
We are looking for patients with kidney disease and healthy controls (no kidney disease) to provide blood samples, fill out surveys, and provide health related information to help investigators learn more about how to better diagnose and treat kidney disease. The information you provide will go into a "library" of data for doctors and researchers across the world to use for research projects. If you are a kidney patient, we are able to use your information to find out if you are eligible for treatment studies/other studies in the future.
Interviews are being conducted to establish a set of criteria for gauging the success or failure of corporate rebranding campaigns.
Our study aims to understand the motivation and attitude of Telehealth participation among doctors.
Learn whether and how a program providing a healthy food benefit (including produce, eggs and pantry staples) could be enhanced by promoting and supporting the use of existing online resources that support meal planning among caregivers of children ages 6 to 14 enrolled in the Kipp Durham Elementary and Middle Schools.