This study will examine how, if at all, schools are using the school improvement process to identify and address inequities.
The purpose of this research project is to investigate the impact of narrative medicine and the humanities on medicine and medical education. It is part of a larger literature review which will conclude with transcripts of interviews talking about this subject.
We are doing a study to learn about the beliefs current and former cigarillo users have about smoking and quitting cigarillos.
The purpose of this research is to conduct a needs assessment to describe implementation processes, barriers, and facilitators of implementing population wide genomic screening programs. We will conduct qualitative interviews with up to 110 implementation team members from 11 sites to better understand how they have implemented population wide genomic screening programs at their organization.
To survey a population of older adults receiving primary care at the UNC Geriatrics Specialty Clinic and characterize: their perceived reasons for using MyChart, frequency with which they communicate using MyChart, their perceptions of how MyChart should be used in clinical care, and their perceptions of the benefits and limitations of using MyChart in clinical care.
K-12 teachers are facing an extraordinarily challenging time as our schools recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. To lend support to teachers in this difficult professional environment, this study aims to discover how archives and special collections can make online materials maximally accessible and useful for K-12 teachers. Using semi-structured interviews with ten K-12 teachers and website usage data from the "On the Books" library guide, this study will gather data about how teachers find, interact with, and teach with the online resources for primary source instruction developed by Wilson Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The findings will be considered to make recommendations for some ways that special collections librarians can better serve this group of patrons with online teaching resources.
Yoga is becoming exponentially more popular over time, yet not much research has been done on it. Particularly hot yoga and vinyasa yoga have little research, and hot vinyasa has never been studied. Thus, the present study aims to examine the psychological benefits of hot and room temperature vinyasa yoga when practiced with savoring methods, based on quantitative well-being.
The study is designed to look at Crohn's disease over a period time, from before a surgery to 12 months after the surgery has taken place. The role bacteria in the gut plays in Crohn's disease (CD) is not well understood. Which particular microbes contribute to disease remain unknown. In CD, ~70% of patients will end up requiring surgery due to chronic unrelenting complications, and ~50% require additional surgery. We hope to identify key microbes at the time of surgery in stool and tissue and correlate it over time with data collected at timepoints after surgery. We will use this data with clinical information to determine if specific microbes are associated with disease recurrence.
To collect and store specimens from people who have been exposed to a natural or manmade disaster.
Develop cell culture lines from normal head and neck tissue for use in laboratory investigations of treatment response. Molecularly profile normal tissue against profiles of original tumors to validate their utility as cancer models.