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Healthy Volunteers
662 studies match your search
By physician referral or invitation only

essentiALZ - Evaluating a Training Program to Strength the Dementia Care Workforce

This project will evaluate two training models of an evidence-based online dementia care training for direct care staff in assisted living. It will examine the extent to which each training is able to be implemented by assisted living communities, and to the extent the trainings improve staff knowledge and attitudes, change care practices, and improve the wellbeing of staff, residents, and residents' family members. Results will inform next steps in dementia care training for the assisted living and broader long-term care workforce.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Aging
  • Healthy Volunteer or General Population
  • Social or Workplace Dynamics
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

What Makes a High-performing Test-taker?

It is well-documented in the literature that those who have performed well on standardized tests are likely to continue to perform well. This study will interview volunteers from UNC-CH School of Medicine that are high-performing test-takers, and otherwise, in an attempt to identify qualities, characteristics, or themes shared among those who consistently perform well on tests.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Healthy Volunteer or General Population
  • UNC Students (undergrad, grad, professional)
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Online speech study

In this study, listeners are asked to wear headphones or listen to sounds through a computer and make decisions about what they hear or see. We are interested in how listeners with normal hearing and hearing loss understand speech and access language.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Ear, Nose, and Throat
  • Healthy Volunteer or General Population
  • Sleep
  • Language and Speech
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Enhancing Blood Donation at Schools and Beyond in Malawi

To address the core problem of insufficient safe blood supply for the country, targeting the lowest risk and most receptive population for consistent donation can be successful. The 2018 population census shows that the total population aged 15 to 24 is 3,687,521 out of which 1,905,165 (52%) are males and 17% (645,000/ 3,687,521) live in urban areas clearly showing the large blood donation potential for the country (National Statistical Office, 2019). The two studies conducted in the initial Year 1 and Year 2 of the Malawi BLOODSAFE Project (2020-2022) have provided rich information on temporal and geographical patterns of blood donation and transfusion transmissible infection as well as barriers and facilitators to blood donation. Using this information, we now propose to develop a comprehensive integrated school-based and post-school donation clubs to serve as a foundation that will encourage lifelong donation and improve the supply of safe blood in Malawi.

Age & Gender
  • 16 years ~ 25 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Blood Conditions
  • Healthy Volunteer or General Population
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Familial Trafficking in North Carolina

The purpose of this presentation and subsequent surveys is to inform professionals in the area of familial trafficking, what the key indicators are, and what practices should be implemented to help eliminate this issue.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Child and Teen Health
  • Women's Health
  • UNC Students (undergrad, grad, professional)
  • and 2 more
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Sharing Housing, Food & Transportation Needs with your Care Team (SHiFT)

More primary care healthcare providers are asking patients questions about their ability to access and pay for things they need, like transportation, food, and housing. The purpose of this research study is to better understand how healthcare providers, patients, and caregivers feel about asking and answering these types of questions.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Healthy Volunteer or General Population
  • Opinions and Perceptions
  • UNC or UNC Health employees
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Designing a Palliative Care Curriculum for Family Medicine and Internal Medicine Residents

Our study seeks to understand how effective a lecture series on common palliative care topics is and how effective changes made over time to the curriculum have been.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Healthy Volunteer or General Population
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Stakeholder Engagement to Improve Acute Stroke Care

Our team is conducting a research project on improving the management and treatment of acute stroke patients. We are seeking expert input from individuals such as emergency medical services personnel and emergency department providers on their experiences and perspectives on acute stroke care.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Healthy Volunteer or General Population
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Entrepreneurship training

The purpose of the study is to investigate the benefits of entrepreneurship training for formerly incarcerated individuals. This is important because mass incarceration is a growing problem in the U.S., inmates experience challenges in reentering the society and gaining employment, and entrepreneurship training promises to be a potential solution to this issue. The study will investigate the specific benefits of an entrepreneurship program post release.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 65 years
  • Male
Study Interest
  • Healthy Volunteer or General Population
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

UNCPM 22305 - Enhancing HIV prevention and reducing alcohol use among people receiving STI care in Malawi: A formative qualitative study

The primary purpose of this research is to inform a future evidence-based alcohol reduction intervention to integrate HIV status neutral counseling for people with HIV or at high risk for HIV who report heavy drinking and are receiving STI care in Malawi.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Healthy Volunteer or General Population
  • Substance Use (tobacco, alcohol, opioids, etc)
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
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Copyright © 2013-2022 The NC TraCS Institute, the integrated home of the NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program at UNC-CH.  This website is made possible by CTSA Grant UL1TR002489 and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences.


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