To evaluate the safety and efficacy of streamlining Yttrium-90 radioembolization workflow for patients with small Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) (<5cm) that have no aggressive features on baseline imaging.
We want to learn why and how some people on dialysis form blood clots in the dialysis machine or in their fistula. Most patients on dialysis receive a blood thinner called heparin to prevent these clots, but heparin can sometimes cause bleeding. We would like to know if safer medications could work in preventing these clots. This study is only about learning more information from blood samples and does not involve treatment.
This project will focus on identifying and addressing socio-economic barriers to healthcare (e.g., education, transportation/access) for patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and Lupus Nephritis (LN). This pilot program aims to expand supportive services and education to mitigate healthcare barriers, by: 1) enhancing access to tangible transportation support systems to improve healthcare access; and 2) utilizing Pharmacist Counseling and Patient Educational Materials to increase awareness and knowledge of the importance of early diagnosis and treatment, medication adherence, and routine screenings (e.g., urine protein creatinine ratio and urinalysis) for improved health outcomes.
The purpose of this study is to gauge interest in a peer support program to help individuals with chronic kidney disease who are pregnant or are contemplating pregnancy navigate decision-making and care management. This survey will help us understand patients' desires for such a program and ways it can be implemented to best serve their needs and preferences.
Belatacept is a drug that helps kidney transplant recipients by preventing the body from rejecting the new organ. We want to compare how well belatacept works compared to the commonly used drug tacrolimus. To do this, we plan to study people who got kidney transplants in the United States from 2011 to 2020. By using two large databases, the United States Renal Data System, and the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients, we aim to understand how belatacept is used in real life. We are also interested in comparing how effective and safe is belatacept compared with tacrolimus after one year of administration. We will look at outcomes like how long the transplanted kidney will work, how long will the kidney transplant recipients live, how well your kidneys will work, the risk of organ rejection, and certain side effects to happen after transplant like blood cancer.
A multi-center open-label trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of daratumumab in treatment of patients with proliferative glomerulonephritis with monoclonal immunoglobulin deposits.
To collect quantitative data to: -Primarily gain a better understanding of patients' attitudes and preferences regarding end-of-life care management if they were to develop a high-risk skin cancer. To be more specific, we hope to gain a better understanding of how patients weigh their risk of developing skin cancer while taking immunosuppressants versus the risk of transplant rejection should they choose to stop or lower their immunosuppressants. -Determine how far these kidney transplant recipients travel to obtain skin-related care -Determine how frequently kidney transplant recipients obtain skin exams -Determine patients' baseline knowledge regarding risk of skin cancer while taking immunosuppressants, which are medicines that lowers immune systems -Determine the quality of life of individuals with skin cancer who are kidney transplant recipients
The purpose of this research study is to interview patients with fatty liver disease who are planning to have liver surgery. Our goal is to understand patients' health beliefs with fatty liver disease and what weight loss behaviors they would be willing to follow prior to surgery. You are being asked to be in the study because you are a patient with fatty liver disease planning to have liver surgery.
The purpose of this study is to compare clinical outcomes and health-related quality of life between an individualized hemodialysis prescription and conventional hemodialysis prescription in individuals requiring chronic hemodialysis who still have residual kidney function.
Liver injury due to prescription and non-prescription medication is medical, scientific, and public health problem of increasing frequency and importance in United States. Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is the most common reason the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would choose not to approve a new drug or withdraw a drug from the market. However, drug-induced liver injuries are often under-reported and difficult to detect/diagnose. This study seeks to learn more about these drug-induced liver injuries and develop better ways to detect, define, and study drug-induced liver injuries. The study will be looking at new cases of drug-induced liver injury, as well as gathering data on previous drug-induced liver injury (up to January 1, 1994).