We are evaluating whether a virtual coaching COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy intervention outperforms a basic COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy training. This will help us decide which method of training is most effective in a rural community pharmacy setting.
This study aims to evaluate the prevalence and risk factors of Long COVID following SARS-COV-2 infection through survey responses to better understand the condition.
The goal of the study is to understand how the increased availability of telehealth related to the COVID-19 pandemic affected staffing for behavioral health services in critical access hospitals.
To better understand whether people in jail have ever received COVID-19 testing and vaccination and whether they would be will to receive these services in jail and after their release.
We are surveying election workers in North Carolina to understand the needs of election workers.
Our study will survey 7,500 adults ages 18-59 who identify as alcohol drinkers. We aim to assess participant sources of alcohol, their drinking behavior, and associated harms before, during, and late in the COVID-19 pandemic. We will be recruiting participants from five different states so we can look at differences across a variety of state alcohol policy environments.
The goal of the study is to examine how North Carolina school districts spent funds made available through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief legislation.
To understand how rural community pharmacies are impacted by and responding to COVID-19.
Purpose: To understand the experiences of employees during the Covid-19 pandemic and what factors may impact their behaviors and experiences post-pandemic.
The purpose of the study is to see how Kenyan clerics at the Coastal Region used social media platforms to communicate with their followers in areas including spiritual needs, teaching, counseling during the pandemic due to lockdowns by the government.