Are you currently pregnant and delivering your baby at UNC Women's Hospital? This exciting NIH-funded research study can help the investigators determine your risk of cardiovascular disease using a painless, non-invasive instrument that measures the stiffness of your arteries (also called pulse wave velocity).
The purpose of this research study is to learn about what types of messages, combined with little cigar and cigarillo (LCC) health warning labels, would have the best impact for young adults. To do this, we are doing focus groups with people who currently use little cigars or cigarillos.
You are invited to participate in a research study looking to better understand the factors that affect purchasing decisions in a convenience store environment. After agreeing to take part in the study, you will take a remote baseline survey, receive 6 public health campaign materials via email and text over a week, then attend one in-person visit will last about 30 to 45 minutes. Here, you'll perform a shopping task, take a computer survey, and have a brief exit interview. The total possible compensation for this study is $70 if all study tasks are completed. All incentives will be paid with Amazon gift cards. You are eligible if you are 21 years or older and smoke certain types of cigarettes, little cigars, or cigarillos. The study site is located at 1700 MLK Jr. Blvd in Chapel Hill. Check to see if you are eligible here:
This is a registry of people who are childfree who may be interested in being contacted for future research studies.
This study is designed to better understand the thoughts and perspectives of older adults with early-stage Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) and their caregivers to determine barriers to using telemedicine.
We are looking for young adults 18 to 30 years old who have had a concussion in the past 5 years to take part in a six-week study to learn if mindfulness can help outcomes after a concussion.
In Malaysia, a country with one of the largest Muslim populations, the idea of being a househusband in Malaysia is not widely accepted. While research has been done on Muslim attitudes towards women's issues, gender equality, and gender justice, research on the experiences of men and Muslim attitudes towards househusbands are less extensive. The role of househusband raises questions about he feels as a Muslim man in relation to his family and broader Muslim society. The role of househusband is a vantage point through which one can study the experiences of men who do not subscribe to traditional ideals. My research questions are as follows: How do Muslim househusbands in Malaysia generally perceive their role and social position? How do married Muslim men view househusbands?
Interested in participating in future research studies? Whether you have had a previous concussion(s) or not, you may be able to take part in several research study opportunities. This registry simply collects your contact information and then we will reach out if any study opportunities are available.
Our study hopes to build an assessment instrument that can be used to better facilitate the museum staff as well as the visiting of participants to develop better visiting experiences when they are in the museum. We will conduct our research through understanding the function and possibility of museum experiences. Specifically, we want to understand how visitors make sense of their visits to the museums. We will use this information to develop instruments to help improve the visiting experiences and engagement in the museums.
The purpose of this research study is to learn how the environment in which drinking occurs impacts a person's level of drinking. This information will help us develop strategies to prevent harms associated with drinking alcohol.