The goal of this study is to uncover resident physician perspectives on the impact of COVID-19 on professional interpersonal relationships and gain ideas on how to optimize workplace social capital and interpersonal interactions despite and beyond the limitations of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The purpose of this project is to understand factors that contribute to/facilitate trustworthiness so that we can address those concerns in the COVID-19 communication materials we share. We will use concept mapping, which is a mixed method research approach for engaging voices and organizing ideas of a group of people to help understand complex concepts. We will take what we learn from Concept Mapping and use it to tailor NIH materials to be culturally responsive to their respective communities.
To collect data about the side effects to the COVID vaccine from UNC Hospital employees and physicians and to measure the impact of these side effects on the individuals ability to do their jobs.
Burnout within the health care setting is a known problem. The COVID-19 pandemic has lead to dramatic changes in the health care workplace and may lead to worsening burnout. This study aims to identify the most worrisome workplace stressors at UNC across departments so that changes can be made to address burnout.
The purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility and impact of a partnership between Good Bowls and local restaurants currently out of work (or working less) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In this research study we want to learn more about COVID-19, including how the immune systems of children and young adults work to prevent COVID-19 and to help them recover from it.
We are conducting a research study to determine whether the virus that causes COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) is present and viable in indoor air at a distance greater than 6 feet from people with active infections. To accomplish this, the research team will collect air samples with multiple sampling devices over a 4-5 hour period in the living environments of people with known SARS-CoV-2 infections. Sites include residence halls and homes (i.e., main living area) of people with active infections who are quarantining alone.
This study is partnering with communities to identify the best ways to provide COVID-19 testing and vaccines to people who have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19. This includes communities of color, essential workers, immigrants and migrants, people in rural areas, and people with chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. We want to train community outreach workers and peer recruiters from community and faith-based organizations to help reach these underserved populations with COVID-19 testing and COVID-19 vaccines - a strategy known as "community-based task shifting." Thus, we will be conducting focus groups and theater testing sessions and questionnaires with patients who have received COVID-19 health services and focus groups and interviews with key stakeholders and theater testing sessions and questionnaires with individuals who work in community outreach or peer health education organizations for COVID-19 health services.
This project examines the impact of Medicaid expansion in two states (RI and KY) on opioid overdose deaths (OOD), suicides, and homicides deaths among formerly incarcerated persons (FIPs) using a comparison state that has not expanded Medicaid (North Carolina). It will also detail state-specific models from Kentucky (KY) and Rhode Island (RI) for expanding Medicaid. The hypothesized benefits of Medicaid expansion include increased access to substance abuse and mental health services and increased opportunities for legal employment.
The purpose of the study is to identify certain processes following brain injury that may be associated with the risk of developing epilepsy.