Not currently enrolling

Comparing executive functioning in children with or without ADHD or ASD

We want to learn more about how executive functioning differs between children with ADHD, ASD, or neither. We have finished recruiting for our ADHD and typically developing groups but are still recruiting autistic children to be a part of our study. Children will complete an iPad-based measure of executive functioning and complete various tasks while their brain activity is being monitored using EEG. We will also complete a short eye-tracking task. Parents will fill out different forms to get an understanding of each child's developmental history and current behaviors.

Age & Gender

  • 7 years ~ 12 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive

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Thank you for your interest, but this study is not currently enrolling.

North Carolina (Statewide)

Additional Study Information

Principal Investigator

Clare Harrop
Allied Health Sciences

Study Type

Behavioral or Social

Study Topics

Brain, Head, Nervous System
Child and Teen Health
Healthy Volunteer or General Population
Mental and Emotional Health
Parents of Children

IRB Number


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