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BUMP Study

During pregnancy, birthing people are at greater risk of experiencing depression and irritable mood. The goal of the BUMP Study is to learn more about how pregnancy hormones relate to irritability and brain activity.

Age & Gender

  • 18 years ~ 45 years
  • Female, Gender Inclusive

Visit Availability

  • Standard business hours (M-F, 8-5)
  • Extended hours (M-F, early morning or evening)
  • Weekend hours, if needed


North Carolina (Statewide)

What will be asked of you

In this study, we assess hormones, mood, and brain activity. The study involves 1 enrollment visit, during which we will provide you with additional information on the study and ask you questions about your mental health history. The study also involves 2 laboratory visits to look at your brain waves mood surveys, and urine samples.


up to $280

In-person visits:
Phone or online visits:
1 screening phone call, 1 in-person or virtual enrollment visit, 2 in-person study visits, and online surveys
Total length of participation:
up to 9 months

Looking for Specific Volunteers

Able to participate:

  • You are pregnant and less than 15 gestational weeks
  • You had depression or irritable mood during or after a prior pregnancy

Not eligible if:

  • You are currently taking medications for mood symptoms

Looking for Healthy Volunteers

Requirements for healthy volunteers are different than for those with a specific condition. If you are interested in becoming a healthy volunteer for this study, use the below categories to determine if you are able to participate.

Able to participate:

  • You are pregnant and less than 15 gestational weeks
  • You do not have a history of depression
  • You have given birth to at least one child

Not eligible if:

  • You are currently taking medications for mood symptoms

Contact the Team

Visit Location

Contact & Visit Location

Primary Contact

Primary Visit Location

UNC Health - Carolina Crossing
2226 Nelson Hwy, Chapel Hill, NC 27517, USA

Additional Study Information

Principal Investigator

Danielle Swales
Psychiatry - Research

Study Type

Behavioral or Social

Study Topics

Brain, Head, Nervous System
Mental and Emotional Health
Women's Health

IRB Number


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