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Sitting and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Endometrial Cancer Survivors

This is a research study to find out which type of sedentary behavior, or sitting, is most strongly associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in endometrial cancer survivors. Additionally, we hope to better understand your perception of sedentary behavior and sedentary behavior reduction. The findings from this research study will be used to design a future sedentary behavior reduction intervention for endometrial cancer survivors. Participation in this study includes one assessment visit (during your regularly scheduled clinic visits) where we will measure your blood pressure and arterial stiffness using a blood-pressure like non-invasive device. Additionally, during this visit, you will answer questionnaires, complete a short physical function test (i.e., balance, walking, standing), and be instructed in how to use an accelerometer (movement tracking device worn on your upper thigh) paired with a smart-phone application that will ask you questions about your physical activities and sedentary behavior for 7-days following your

Age & Gender

  • 50 years ~ 80 years
  • Female

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North Carolina (Statewide)

Additional Study Information

Principal Investigator

Erik Hanson
Exercise and Sport Science

Study Type

Behavioral or Social

Study Topics

Cancer (Uterine (endometrial))
Women's Health

IRB Number


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