
Measuring body composition in childhood cancer

This study will check muscle mass, physical function, and cancer-related aging in children and young adults (8-21 years old) undergoing cancer treatment. In this study, we want to learn how muscle and physical function (strength, mobility, endurance) change in children and young adults who undergoing cancer treatment and how to measure these changes.

Age & Gender

  • 8 years ~ 21 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive

Visit Availability

  • Standard business hours (M-F, 8-5)
  • Visits can be combined with regular clinical appointments


United States (Nationwide)

What will be asked of you

If you decide to take part in this study, your parents or guardians need to give you permission to participate and fill out consent forms. The study involves an initial CT, MRI, or PET of the chest or abdomen. It will also include blood draws during your treatment and physical function assessments.

In-person visits:
Total length of participation:
4 months-12 months

Looking for Specific Volunteers

Able to participate:

  • You have a newly diagnosed malignant solid tumor or lymphoma.
  • You will have a cancer treatment.
  • You will have CT scan or MRI or PET scan.

Not eligible if:

  • You have history of cancer.
  • You had treatment with surgical removal of tumor.
  • You have pacemakers or joint prosthesis.
  • You are willingly not taking chemotherapy or radiotherapy as you were prescribed.
  • You have planned palliative treatment.

Contact the Team

Visit Location

Contact & Visit Location

Primary Contact

Primary Visit Location

UNC Hospitals / UNC Medical Center
101 Manning Dr, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA

Additional Study Information

Principal Investigator

Andrew Smitherman
LCCC - Clinical Trials

Study Type

Clinical or Medical

Study Topics

Cancer (Pediatric Cancers)

IRB Number


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