To find out if the study drug AZD9829 is safe and tolerable and effective in treating blood cancer.
If you decide to take part, you will receive medication given by blood via a vein every three weeks. At each visit you will be asked questions about your health and medications you are taking. You will also answer questionnaires. Blood draws for routine tests should be expected at every visit on site. You will also have to give samples of salvia, or bone marrow, physical exam, chest x-ray, ECG, questionnaires, ECHO,
75$ per completed visit, 0.65.5 cnets per mile if drive greater than 25 miles, Hotel up to $250 each night, Study Drug AZ9829
UNC Hospitals / UNC Medical Center
101 Manning Dr, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA
Joshua Zeidner
LCCC - Clinical Trials
Clinical or Medical
Cancer (Leukemia)