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Suicidality in Adolescents Following Psychiatric Hospitalization

Our research is examining modifiable risk factors for the return of suicidal thoughts and behaviors among adolescents who have presented for hospitalization at UNC Youth Behavioral Health with symptoms of suicidal thoughts and/or behaviors. We aim to gain more understanding of the ways in which the hospitalization process impacts the chances for these thoughts and behaviors to return after being discharged from the hospital.

Age & Gender

  • 12 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive


North Carolina (Statewide)

What will be asked of you

The study will have three time points: three days after admission to UNC Youth Behavioral Health, time of discharge, and then 3 months post-discharge. Your child will be asked to complete surveys at all 3 visits and an interview at time point 2 (discharge) with a research team member. As the caregiver, you will be asked to complete surveys at these 3 time points and complete a brief interview at time point 2. These can be done remotely or in person at UNC YBH. Each visit for your child should take approximately 60-75 minutes to complete, and each visit for you as the caregiver should take approximately 45-60 minutes to complete.


Information provided on request

Total length of participation:
3-4 months

Looking for Specific Volunteers

Able to participate:

  • you are an adolescent ages 12-17
  • you have been admitted to UNC Youth Behavioral Health with suicidal thoughts and/or behaviors
  • you and your caretaker are both interested in participating in the study

Not eligible if:

  • You are not hospitalized at UNC Youth Behavioral Health
  • You or your caretaker do not speak English
  • you are presenting to UNC Youth Behavioral Health with acute psychosis or catatonia
  • your primary caregiver is not your legal guardian

Looking for Healthy Volunteers

Requirements for healthy volunteers are different than for those with a specific condition. If you are interested in becoming a healthy volunteer for this study, use the below categories to determine if you are able to participate.

Able to participate:

  • you are the caregiver of an adolescent ages 12-17
  • your adolescent is being hospitalized at UNC Youth Behavioral Health with suicidal thoughts and/or behaviors
  • You and your adolescent would both be interested in participating in the study

Not eligible if:

  • you are the primary caregiver but not a guardian of the adolescent

Contact the Team

Visit Location

100% Remote (online, phone, text)

Additional Study Information

Principal Investigator

Gabrielle Hodgins

Study Type

Clinical or Medical

Study Topics

Child and Teen Health
Mental and Emotional Health
Opinions and Perceptions
Parents of Children

IRB Number


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