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Rehabilitation outcomes study

The purpose of this research study is to improve cancer care for patients whose treatment outcomes have led to challenges in their quality of life. The study is randomized into 2 groups. Group 1 will receive a pre-rehabilitation referral in addition to their standard of care cancer treatment and Group 2 will resume their standard of care cancer treatment. Regardless of the group you are assigned to, all participants will answer questionnaires at baseline and at their 3-month follow-up.

Age & Gender

  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive

Visit Availability

  • Standard business hours (M-F, 8-5)
  • Visits can be combined with regular clinical appointments


North Carolina

What will be asked of you

You will answer questionnaires at baseline before your consultation visit. We will use a randomized to one of two groups. Group 1: Prehabilitation If you are selected to be part of Group 1, you will receive a prehabilitation referral. At this initial consultation the Cancer Rehabilitation Clinic will conduct a comprehensive evaluation, prepare an individualized treatment related to your cancer diagnosis and treatment needs and provide prehabilitation recommendations to continue exercises or therapy at home or in your local community. At this visit you will also complete a series of baseline questionnaires that should take approximately 30 minutes. This group will also have 1 follow up visit with the Cancer Rehabilitation Clinic approximately 6 weeks after the initial consultation. Approximately 3 months after your initial consultation you will complete a series of follow-up questionnaires about your health and opinion of the program (approximately 30 minutes). The study team will follow your health and cancer treatment by accessing your medical records for a total of 12 weeks from the time you enroll onto this study. Group 2: Standard of Care If you are selected to be part of Group 2, you will continue with your standard of care treatment without prehabilitation. You will complete the same series of baseline questionnaires as Group 1 (for approximately 30 minutes) if you are chosen to participate in this group. Approximately 3 months later you will be asked to complete follow-up questionnaires (approximately 30 minutes). The study team will follow your health and cancer treatment

In-person visits:
Total length of participation:
3 months

Looking for Specific Volunteers

Able to participate:

  • Subject has been screened by the Central Oncology Navigation Program and referred to cancer care at a UNC Medical Center.
  • Subjects is willing and able to comply with study procedures based on the judgement of the investigator.
  • Written informed consent obtained to participate in the study and HIPAA authorization for release of personal health information.

Not eligible if:

  • Inability to read and understand the English language.
  • Psychological or other disability resulting in the inability to provide informed consent.
  • Unstable medical comorbidity that precludes safe participation in an exercise program, in the judgment of the clinical investigator.
  • Prisoners and other institutionalized individuals

Contact the Team

Visit Location

Contact & Visit Location

Primary Contact

Primary Visit Location

Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
NC Cancer Hospital (Basnight)
UNC Hospitals / UNC Medical Center
101 Manning Dr, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA

Additional Study Information

Principal Investigator

Christopher Jensen
LCCC - Clinical Trials

Study Type

Clinical or Medical

Study Topics

Cancer (Bladder, Brain and Other Nervous System, Breast, Colorectal, Cervical, Head and Neck, Kidney, Liver, Lung, Melanoma, Pancreatic, Pediatric Cancers, Prostate, Sarcoma (bone and soft tissue), Stomach and Esophageal, Thyroid and Other Gland/Endocrine, Leukemia, Phase 1 Trials (all cancers), Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma, Uterine (endometrial), Ovarian)

IRB Number


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