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Parkinson's Disease Treatment study

In this study, we are trying to find out how safe and helpful a new drug is when it is put directly into the brain during surgery. This drug is used to help with the movement problems caused by Parkinson's disease.

Age & Gender

  • 45 years ~ 75 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive

Visit Availability

  • Standard business hours (M-F, 8-5)
  • Visits can be combined with regular clinical appointments


United States (Nationwide)

What will be asked of you

This study involves baseline monitoring, imaging assessments, and surgery. Follow-up visits will occur every three to six months.


Total length of participation:
18 months

Looking for Specific Volunteers

Able to participate:

  • You have bradykinesia and also one or more of these other symptoms: stiffness, shaking, or trouble keeping your balance
  • You have stage II-III Parkinson's disease when your medication isn't working (more than 12 hours after your last dose)
  • Your MDS-UPDRS Part III score is between 33 and 60 when you're in a state where your Parkinson's symptoms are at their worst
  • You have times when your movement problems get worse, with at least 2.5 hours each day over 3 days where your symptoms are really bad

Not eligible if:

  • You are pregnant, nursing, lactating, or planning to become pregnant throughout the duration of the study
  • You have a known history or current signs of medical, genetic, or brain conditions that might explain your Parkinson's disease in a different way
  • You have a history of significant vascular and/or cardiovascular disease
  • You have a clinically active infection, including acute or chronic scalp infection
  • You have noticeable problems with thinking or memory

Contact the Team

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Additional Study Information

Principal Investigator

Claudia Testa

Study Type

Clinical or Medical

Study Topics

Brain, Head, Nervous System

IRB Number




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