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Centrally mediated pain in migraine and temporomandibular disorders

To evaluate the role of certain blood substances in pain associated with migraine and temporomandibular disorders (TMD).

Age & Gender

  • 18 years ~ 64 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive

Visit Availability

  • Standard business hours (M-F, 8-5)


North Carolina (Statewide)

What will be asked of you

You will have a review of medical history and medications, an examination for TMD, an experimental pain test with a burning substance from chili peppers (capsaicin) applied to your forearm, and you will complete questionnaires. One 8.5-ml tube of blood will be collected.


$150 gift card

In-person visits:
Total length of participation:
3.5 hours

Looking for Specific Volunteers

Able to participate:

  • had migraine on at least 1 day per month in the last 3 months
  • had facial pain (TMD) for at least 3 months

Not eligible if:

  • you have widespread pain or fibromyalgia
  • had dental pain in the last 30 days
  • had head trauma or surgery in the last 6 weeks
  • had major depression or other psychiatric disorder requiring hospitalization in the last 6 months
  • had treatment for drug or alcohol abuse in the last year

Looking for Healthy Volunteers

Requirements for healthy volunteers are different than for those with a specific condition. If you are interested in becoming a healthy volunteer for this study, use the below categories to determine if you are able to participate.

Able to participate:

  • you are generally healthy

Not eligible if:

  • you had migraine in the last year
  • had facial pain in the last year
  • had more than 4 headache days per month in the last 3 months
  • had severe hepatic, respiratory, hematologic, immunologic, cardiocascular, or psychiatric diseases
  • have widespread pain or fibromyalgia

Contact the Team

Visit Location

Contact & Visit Location

Primary Contact

Primary Visit Location

Adams School of Dentistry (UNC-Chapel Hill)
385 S Columbia St, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA

Additional Study Information

Principal Investigator

Inna Tchivileva
ASOD Biomedical Sciences

Study Type

Clinical or Medical

Study Topics

Brain, Head, Nervous System
Chronic Conditions
Healthy Volunteer or General Population
Women's Health

IRB Number


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