Currently or soon-to-be breastfeeding a baby younger than three months of age? Interested in helping infants worldwide? We are interested in how mother's milk improves baby's brain function. Participants may be paid up to $225.
The purpose of this study is to understand the current state of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and inclusion in early childhood education, early childhood special education, and early intervention service delivery. The survey will ask about current practices in early education and early intervention. The survey will additionally ask participants about their feelings and beliefs, barriers, successes, and desire to learn more about STEM and inclusion. The information will be used to inform the STEM Innovations for Inclusion in Early Education (STEMIE) Center at Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute in its goal of helping early educators learn and apply STEM experiences for their young learners with and without disabilities.
Wood smoke pollution is a common problem across the world, including in the US. This wood smoke comes from people using wood to heat and cook, as well as from wildfires. The purpose of this research study is to screen individuals to see how they respond to wood smoke inhalation by measuring cells in sputum (or phlegm, that you cough up) to see if there is an increase in the number of cells after exposure. The exposure will be to 500ug/m3 of WSP for 2 hours, with intermittent exercise on a bicycle and rest. The wood is burned in a typical wood stove and piped into the chamber. There is a specific gene that we believe impacts the response to wood smoke exposure, we will also look to see if you have this gene or not (about 40% -60% of people do).
Teenagers with ADHD are more vulnerable to negative outcomes than teenagers without ADHD, in part because they engage in more extreme risk-taking. The goal of this study is to understand how brain development during puberty may contribute to risk-taking behaviors in adolescence, and how this differs in youth with and without ADHD. We also want to learn how to predict which children are more vulnerable to extreme levels of risk-taking when they become teenagers. This study will help us to identify children who may be at risk for negative outcomes so potential problems can be addressed early and ultimately prevented.
The purpose of this research study is to see if a video impacts parental opinions about adolescents and how we can best measure your opinions.
Have you traveled to a dengue, Zika or other arbovirus endemic area? Donate blood to aid in the development of vaccines! If you have ever lived in or traveled to tropical areas where arboviruses are common and suspect you may have been exposed to an arbovirus, please consider participating in our research study and donating some blood!
The purpose of this study is to investigate the health of former women's soccer players.
The purpose of this study is to understand what moms think about all types of birth control, including immediate postpartum Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC), and what they think about planning for pregnancy. This study will help further explain black-white differences in immediate postpartum LARC uptake.
The purpose of this study is to understand provider perceptions of immediate postpartum LARC. This research will help further explain black-white differences in immediate postpartum LARC uptake.
We are looking for families with children between 0-5 years old to help us find out if a new type of MRI sequence can take better pictures of children's brains.