The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a social work training program that prepares social work graduate students to work effectively with youth who are Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC) and/or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, or another sexual/gender minority identity (LGBTQIA+).
We are implementing and evaluating a program to assist Habitat for Humanity homeowners and their neighbors to use alternate forms of transportation to promote health and address climate change.
I will be evaluating the usefulness of a standardized handoff tool, the I-PASS tool, in improving nurse to nurse shift handoff on an adult behavioral health unit.
This study explores the histories of racial segregation in three areas: Tulsa, Oklahoma; St. Louis County, Missouri; and, Greenwood, Mississippi. During interviews, participants will share their memories of those places as well as create maps about where it was or wasn't safe for people in their communities to travel.
The purpose of this research study is to learn more about the quality of life for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
We are studying how young people respond to vaping prevention video ads. We are inviting people aged 13-20 to participate in this research. Participants will watch some short videos about vaping and answer a survey. The whole process will take approximately 20 minutes. Feedback will help improve future vaping prevention efforts.
The research team from the Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute is conducting a study on the implementation of IYCF-E in Western North Carolina (WNC) after Hurricane Helene. This research aims to share lessons learned and improve the quality of future relief efforts through: 1) sharing lived experiences; 2) assessing effectiveness of training; and 3) informing the state- and national-level policy recommendations for incorporating Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) evidence-based practices.
This program seeks to work with individual clinical practices from across the state of North Carolina, focusing on the Southeastern Coast of the State initially, to evaluate and enhance the capacity of these practices to participate in practice-based clinical research in partnership with the CCCRI program.
The purpose is to understand people's individual experience at work as well as the way people experience interactions with others at work.
We are interested in studying how people behave at work. This study consists of one online survey where you will be asked to read one news article and answer brief questions about workplace behaviors.