By hosting focus groups with Black and Latinx parents, we want to learn about their experiences and concerns about feeding their infants and obesity risk. We also want to learn about their knowledge of and interest in learning about responsive feeding. We would also like to hear their thoughts and ideas for a study about planned obesity prevention.
As you well know, the therapeutic relationship is an important component of evidence-based practice and a key factor in the successful outcome of a course of psychotherapy. We are doing a study to better understand how psychotherapists feel about their patients during their therapy sessions. By completing this survey, you will help us to develop an evidence-based questionnaire for the assessment of patients' in-session feelings. The final questionnaire will enable researchers and clinicians to learn more about the therapist's experiences as well as the therapeutic relationship, with the goal of improving the therapy process and outcomes.
Does your teen get their menstrual period regularly? Do they experience depression, self-injury, or suicide? If your child is between the ages of 14 and 19, they may be able to participate in this study! We hope to learn more about how teens respond to stress, especially when going through hormonal changes across the menstrual cycle, and how these will affect their thoughts and feelings. Your child will be compensated for their participation.
We are recruiting mothers who have a child aged 2-6 years old to participate in an hour-long study about how parents respond to children's tantrum behavior when they view it in a traditional video versus virtual reality video. Our study includes both mothers who are in recovery from a substance use disorder as well as those who have never had a subtance use disorder. The study will take place at UNC-CH and take about one hour. Free parking and a $30 incentive will be provided to participants.
The purpose of this study is to examine the ways that simple interactions between individuals in a romantic relationship are related to their well-being. At the lab session, we will invite you to have conversations about specified topics you might routinely discuss with your partner and ask you about your thoughts and feelings related to those conversations.
UNC Center for Aging and Health needs your help to understand the feelings of family/informal caregivers of nursing home residents with dementia about reducing or stopping osteoporosis medications.
The purpose of this project is to explore how Black women experience and navigate the postpartum year after childbirth.
This study is creating and improving a program that will be used during inpatient treatment to help better teach skills in virtual school settings for adolescents hospitalized for suicide-related crises.
Have you previously received Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) for your Barrett's Esophagus (BE)? You may be able to take part in a research study using the CryoBalloon Focal Ablation System, also called cryotherapy, a freezing treatment for the esophagus, to further treat your Barrett's Esophagus. All procedures and treatments will be part of your routine clinical care.
In this study, we want to learn more about young adults with a history of concussion and their relationship with stress and mindfulness. This will help us to create concussion prevention and rehab plans to improve recovery.