Are you currently out of work and feeling stressed? Take control of your health today! The NC Works4Health Research Study is designed to help you manage your stress and health and provide a supportive work environment when you move into a new job.
In the study we are looking at how a bout of walking performed prior to prolonged sitting impacts arterial stiffness (non-invasive cardiovascular measure). This is important as increased arterial stiffness from prolonged sitting increases the risk for cardiovascular disease.
We are designing a device that aims to use voice technology to collect dietary recall data. We are recruiting Registered Dietitian's aged 22+ years willing to participate in a 40 minute virtual session. Our hope is to collect the thoughts and perspective of a Registered Dietitian in regard to the challenges older adults may face in food recall.
Do you have any of your baby teeth or are you a parent who has kept your child's baby teeth? Are you a young adult or a parent of a child age 25 or under? Did you know scientists can learn all about different medications, foods, and environmental exposures in a child's early life from their teeth? You may be able to take part in a research study to learn what factors increase children's risk of developing EoE (eosinophilic esophagitis)! We are looking for children and young adults (age 0-25) with or without EoE to volunteer. Compensation will be provided.
Do you have schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder? You may be able to take part in a research study if you'd be willing to take an FDA-approved antipsychotic medication and do not have an allergy to clozapine. Compensation will be provided.
Investigating biologic drugs between children with arthritis who are obese and of normal weight
You're in your prime, but how well do our lungs age? If you're 25-35 years old, you might be eligible to join a study exploring lung health and the factors that contribute to lung diseases and conditions later in life. Compensation provided.
How does your baby's environment affect their brain? A child's brain grows quickly during pregnancy and infancy. If you are pregnant in your 2nd or 3rd trimester, you may be eligible to participate in a research study to find out how your environment affects your baby's brain development. Compensation provided.
In this study, we want to learn about the effects of different kinds of force on the knee when walking on a treadmill. We will do this by looking at MRI images of knee cartilage in people with and without a history of ACL reconstruction.
We still have a lot to learn about why people develop glomerular disease and what the best medicines are to treat these diseases. Diabetes is a common, chronic illness and many people with glomerular disease also have diabetes. Currently, there is no information telling us the best ways to treat patients with both diabetes and glomerular disease, or how to counsel them about prognosis and risks for complications. This substudy of the Cure Glomerulopathy Network brings together information and laboratory specimens from patients with diabetes and glomerular disease to speed up and improve health research for their care.