Have you or your child been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes during the past 12 months? Are you interested in helping researchers learn more about how to delay or prevent type 1 diabetes or how to treat type 1 diabetes? Join a registry to be notified of future opportunities to participate in type 1 diabetes research!
Want to help improve the treatment of people with chronic blood cancers? We are looking for healthy volunteers to take part in a simple blood-draw study. If you are generally healthy and are not taking blood thinners, you may be able to help improve treatment for patients with chronic blood cancers by donating a tablespoon of blood. This study aims to understand why individuals with chronic blood cancers have a high risk of blood clots as compared to healthy individuals, by comparing (1) the ability of blood to clot in a test tube and (2) changes in white blood cells that make them more likely to stick to blood vessels between healthy individuals and individuals with chronic blood cancers.
Do you sit too much at school, at work, or at home? Would you like to know how this relates to your heart health? If you are a student at UNC then you may be able to take part in this research study. If you decide to take part, you will be contributing important data that may allow us to design effective sedentary behavior interventions. Compensation is provided ($100 gift card).
Does your child need a dental exam and cleaning? Your child may be able to take part in a research study where we explore ways of calming and reducing discomfort in children during dental exams and cleanings. Compensation will be provided.
Are you pregnant? Are you high risk? We know it is stressful to be pregnant when you are high-risk. We are trying to learn more about how different aspects of your life - including activity, diet, environment, stress level, and social support affect pregnancy outcomes. Compensation provided.
Are you currently pregnant and delivering your baby at UNC Women's Hospital? This exciting NIH-funded research study can help the investigators determine your risk of cardiovascular disease using a painless, non-invasive instrument that measures the stiffness of your arteries (also called pulse wave velocity).
Interested in participating in future research studies? Whether you have had a previous concussion(s) or not, you may be able to take part in several research study opportunities. This registry simply collects your contact information and then we will reach out if any study opportunities are available.
Are you between ages 45-59 and experiencing mood changes in the menopause transition? Help us learn more about how hormones affect mood and brain activity!
Does your teen get their menstrual period regularly? Do they experience depression, self-injury, or suicide? If your child is between the ages of 14 and 19, they may be able to participate in this study! We hope to learn more about how teens respond to stress, especially when going through hormonal changes across the menstrual cycle, and how these will affect their thoughts and feelings. Your child will be compensated for their participation.
Have you previously received Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) for your Barrett's Esophagus (BE)? You may be able to take part in a research study using the CryoBalloon Focal Ablation System, also called cryotherapy, a freezing treatment for the esophagus, to further treat your Barrett's Esophagus. All procedures and treatments will be part of your routine clinical care.