Have you had or are planning to have ACL reconstruction? You may be able to take part in a research study to help us learn more about the outcomes following surgery after a lower limb injury. We are also looking for healthy volunteers between the ages of 12-64 to take part. We will provide you with a report of your results after testing!
The purpose of this study is to learn more about the tolerability and safety of a daily immunotherapy tablet (SLIT-tablet) for people with peanut allergies. The goal of the SLIT-tablet is to increase tolerance to peanut protein, which could reduce the risk of allergic reactions caused by accidental exposure.
People with kidney disease that have the APOL1 risk variant are at a greater risk for developing protein in their urine and chronic kidney disease. This research study is being done to determine if the investigational drug, VX-147 can slow or stop the worsening of kidney function as well as target the underlying cause of kidney disease.
In this study, we want to learn more about health behaviors and access to health information from families with children under six.
Have you or your child been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes during the past 12 months? Are you interested in helping researchers learn more about how to delay or prevent type 1 diabetes or how to treat type 1 diabetes? Join a registry to be notified of future opportunities to participate in type 1 diabetes research!
We are currently recruiting people who have had a stroke to participate in a research study involving multiple treatment sessions to understand the impact of interventions. Our goal is to determine what treatments work best for return to running after stroke.
The purpose of this study is to compare the bacteria in women who are taking either methenamine hippurate (Hiprex) or nitrofurantoin (Macrobid, Macrodantin) every day to prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). We will compare bacteria in the bladder, vagina, and rectum. The information we learn by doing this study may help us better understand how these medications work to prevent UTIs.
In this study, we want to hear from patients with metastatic breast cancer about how their oncologists speak with them about their prognosis. We know these conversations can be challenging, and we want to hear from patients and caregivers about what is helpful or not helpful in those conversations. We also want to hear from patients about a breast cancer-specific tool.
Do you sit too much at school, at work, or at home? Would you like to know how this relates to your heart health? If you are a student at UNC then you may be able to take part in this research study. If you decide to take part, you will be contributing important data that may allow us to design effective sedentary behavior interventions. Compensation is provided ($100 gift card).
Want to help improve the treatment of people with chronic blood cancers? We are looking for healthy volunteers to take part in a simple blood-draw study. If you are generally healthy and are not taking blood thinners, you may be able to help improve treatment for patients with chronic blood cancers by donating a tablespoon of blood. This study aims to understand why individuals with chronic blood cancers have a high risk of blood clots as compared to healthy individuals, by comparing (1) the ability of blood to clot in a test tube and (2) changes in white blood cells that make them more likely to stick to blood vessels between healthy individuals and individuals with chronic blood cancers.