Are you an undergraduate student at UNC? Are you Asian or from an Asian country? If you answered yes to both, you could join a research study. We are looking for students like you to discuss college admissions topics with fellow Asian students. Compensation will be provided.
Are you concerned about the quality of the environment? Do you identify as Lumbee? If you are interested in helping to identify the most pressing environmental issues impacting Lumbee health, live in Robeson County and are over 18 you may be able to participate in a Talking Circle. Compensation provided
If you are being considered for an EXIT procedure, you may be eligible to participate in our research study.
Are you a young adult cancer survivor who would like to lose weight? Interested in using technology to support a healthy diet, get more physically active, and improve your mental health? Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are looking for volunteers to sign up for a 6-month research program that will involve using a Fitbit activity tracker, digital smart scale, and mobile app. For more information and to see if you qualify, visit our study website at
Interview rural parents of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds to explore and understand parents' preferences on how their primary care providers discuss HPV vaccination with them, with the goal of increasing vaccination rates in rural NC and among underrepresented minority populations (Hablamos español). / Entrevistar a padres y madres de diferentes grupos étnicos y raciales para comprender como prefieren hablar sobre la vacuna del VPH con sus médicos de atención primaria. El objetivo es mejorar las tasas de vacunación en las zonas rurales de Carolina del Norte y entre las minorías.
The purpose of this study is to investigate North Carolinian archival repositories' disaster preparedness for climate change induced flood risks.
Do you identify as South Asian and do you menstruate? Do you identify as South Asian and do you use or have you consider using contraception or birth control? Have you experienced bias when discussing menstruation or contraception? If so, you may be interested in this study to improve reproductive justice for South Asians in the United States.
We want to help people from different cultures who live in America. Sometimes they have a hard time getting the right care because they are different from most Americans. We want to learn their understanding of their grief and the cultural factors that influence their grieving process. We want to talk to them and listen to their stories. This way, we can help them trust the doctors and nurses caring for them. We can also help them find more support online. We think this will make them healthier and happier. We also want to show others that having different feelings and beliefs is okay. We hope that by doing this study, we can help the therapists develop a deeper understanding of the grieving experiences and provide culturally appropriate care to their patients.
In this study, we want to learn if regular contact with a community health worker (via telephone) influences follow-up diabetes care among Spanish-speaking/bilingual Latinos. (Hablamos espanol.)
This study will look at the way professors and students feel about primary source materials in the Jewish Studies undergraduate classroom. Examples of primary sources include diaries, maps, photos, and more.