We are doing a study to help us adapt a physical activity program for adults with intellectual disabilities. We are looking for adults with intellectual disabilities, parents/caregivers, support staff, and exercise professionals to complete a survey and take part in interviews or focus groups to provide feedback on a physical activity program. The program includes weekly group fitness meetings, one-to-one coaching meetings, and an app to support setting, monitoring, and achieving exercise goals.
In this study, we want to learn more about how stress related to COVID-19 can affect behaviors and the way that genes work (epigenetics) in healthcare workers. This study focuses on healthcare workers because they are in the frontline of the pandemic.
In this study, we want to learn if existing services meet the needs of people who experience crime in North Carolina. Specifically, we will focus on whether these services meet the needs of crime victims from historically underserved populations. We also want to learn whether service accessibility is different across the state. Although the assessment is meant to cover all North Carolinians, the GCC and research team have identified specific priority populations, including: veterans, immigrants, refugees, people with disabilities, older adults, LGBTQ+ individuals, teens, people from religious minority groups, people who are unhoused/experiencing homelessness, co-victims of homicide, indigenous communities, people with limited English proficiency, and people of color.
In this study, we want to find out more about how adults learn a second language, specifically how native speakers of America English learn Russian.
The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which various forms of language exposure affect a second-language Spanish speaker's production of a specific dialectal feature
Are you experiencing symptoms of menopause? Have you noticed a change in your mood during your menopausal transition? If you have missed at least two periods, you may be able to take part in a research study. In this study, we want to learn how mood and stress may affect risk for heart disease in women during menopause.
To explore possible reasons for low registration of students to the LCTLs at UNC
In this study, we want to learn more about the impact of micro-influencers on young adults between ages 18 and 25.
This study is a survey that will provide information about college students access to birth control on different campuses. By responding to this survey you will help the research team to find out how on campus pharmacies can contribute to campus health and access to birth control.
The risk factors that drive health are unique to various patient populations and different patient populations use different language to communicate their health risk factors. The health risk factors and language that patients use also differs by locations. We are holding focus group sessions with family medicine physicians, senior patients, caregivers of senior patients, patients experiencing homelessness, and patients experiencing food insecurity to gain a deeper understanding of the major health risk factors they face and the words they use to describe them.