Are you an adult under the age of 59 years? Do you sit too much and want to learn more about how sitting impacts the stiffness of your blood vessels? If so, you may be able to participate in a study to see how the position of your legs affects your arteries after sitting for a long time. Compensation provided.
Have you been histologically or cytologically confirmed to have Recurrent/Metastatic Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma that is considered incurable by local therapies? If so, you may be able to participate in a research study seeking to find out if Amivantamab Monotherapy and/or Amivantamab in Addition to Standard of Care Therapeutic Agents can be an effective traetment.
Are you an adult between the ages of 18 and 35? Are you interested in brain research? If so, you may be able to participate in a study to see how people see social interactions in different situations. Compensation provided.
The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of recombinant bovine lactoferrin on iron regulation, immune, and gut health. Free bloodwork and fitness results will be shared. You will be compensated for your time.
My name is Halden Levin, and I am an undergraduate Linguistics major. For my honors thesis, I am investigating factors influencing speech production and perception in American English and Taiwanese Mandarin. Researching these factors will allow us to better understand speech production and perception.
Interested in creativity and emotion regulation? If you're over 18, you may be able to participate in a study to learn about factors that shape creativity and emotion regulation. All participants entered into a drawing for one of four $50 AMEX gift cards. Immigrants and second-generation individuals are particularly encouraged to participate.
Young adults show very high levels of anxiety and depression, both compared to older adults and to young adults of previous generations. This study is trying to find out why! Our idea is that the way young adults are thinking about the social, political, and ecological stressors in their lives could be different from other ages. Therefore, we are trying to find out what this group is thinking and feeling about these stressors. This might allow psychologists to better treat young adults for these symptoms in the future!
Do you smoke tobacco products? Participate in an eye-tracking research study and receive a $100 visa gift card.
To understand the views and perceptions of Ugandan social work academics who utilize decolonial and indigenous theories and practices, including ubuntu, in their work.
In this study, we want to see how learning a second language could change how you pronounce words in your first language. This will help us understand how sounds from different languages mix in our minds.