Have you been diagnosed with early stage triple negative breast cancer? We are asking you to take part in this research study because you have been diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) and have recently completed preoperative chemotherapy in combination with pembrolizumab, followed by breast surgery. The chemotherapy plus pembrolizumab produced a pathologic complete response (pCR), meaning that no remaining cancer was found during your breast surgery.
In this project, we want to learn more about transgender and nonbinary individuals' sexual satisfaction. Sexual satisfaction is a prominent indicator of an individual's well-being and satisfaction with life. Current research focuses mainly on cisgender heterosexual populations. By focusing on people who identify under the nonbinary umbrella, in addition to binary-identifying trans people, we hope to examine how gender, the sociopolitical world, and a person's sexual satisfaction all intersect.
Finding new drugs is a long, expensive process. Drug repurposing, using an old drug for a new disorder, can make this process shorter and cheaper, and can occur by chance when a patient has two medical conditions that are treatable by the same drug. We hope that including you, the consumer, as a partner in drug development through self-report of unexpected benefits from medicinal agents could identify some with potential for repurposing. Your responses to a short Social Media survey may help you and others in the future.
Have you been diagnosed with breast cancer? If so, you may be able to take part in a research study for the collection of tumor specimens and genomic DNA from patients with early or metastatic breast cancer.
In this study, we want to learn more about the differences in dialects of Spanish. We will ask you some questions about different scenarios to help us understand more about language choice. En este trabajo, queremos aprender más sobre los diferencias dialectales en español. Vamos a preguntarte algunas preguntas sobre situaciones diferentes para ayudarnos entender más sobre el elección de lengua.
The CDC reported that in 2021, 93% of all young adults newly diagnosed with HIV were college-aged individuals of 18 to 24 years old. Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, is a type of medication FDA-approved to help reduce the risk of HIV transmission; however, about 23% of people who could have benefited from PrEP were ever prescribed PrEP in 2019. This study aims to uncover what barriers to accessing PrEP that young adults in college may be facing.
In an active learning environment where class participation is expected, students with social anxiety may struggle. The purpose of this study is to find how effective the active learning environment is for students with social anxiety compared to the standard non-active learning environment.
Community-based interventions outside of North Carolina increase prostate cancer risk awareness and education among African Americans. Help us design an ideal intervention for/with communities in North Carolina. Your feedback and insight are instrumental in raising awareness and ultimately saving the lives of Black/African American men in North Carolina.
The purpose of this study is to identify how someone's personal life experiences may affect their behavior and understanding of various mental health concepts.
Are you interested in advancing scientific knowledge about diabetes and its impact on brain function? We are currently seeking enthusiastic participants for an exciting research study. This is an excellent opportunity for individuals with type 1 or type 2 diabetes as well as those without diabetes to help us learn how connections in the brain may be different in people with diabetes. Compensation provided.