The survey and its findings will help us understand attitudes around cancer family history and genetic testing among Black people. This information will be used to develop an educational curriculum to strive towards health equity for Black people diagnosed with or at higher risk of cancer and get Black people the best cancer care.
In this study, we want to interview the parent/caregiver who stayed behind when the 82nd Airborne Division deployed through the Immediate Reaction Force (IRF) in January 2020, August 2021, and February 2022. We would like to learn how parents/caregivers feel this experience affected their school-aged children (K-12). Our goal is to give a voice to families to share their experiences, and help determine what additional supports might help families with future IRF deployments.
Through in-person and remote, hour-long interviews, this research study aims to understand how the how young people in the United States experience social media.
You will be informed of the purpose of this study at the end of the survey.
The purpose of this study is to identify why households waste food. Using these causes of household food waste, we will work with participants to develop a comprehensive packet of tools that can be implemented in their daily lives to prevent food waste.
We are conducting a study to ask young adults with cervical cancer what information they think would be useful to include in a skill-building program to help navigate the financial aspects of cancer treatment. We will interview young adults with cervical cancer to learn about what is important to them and then ask for feedback on versions of the program as we develop it.
In this project, we want to learn more about transgender and nonbinary individuals' sexual satisfaction. Sexual satisfaction is a prominent indicator of an individual's well-being and satisfaction with life. Current research focuses mainly on cisgender heterosexual populations. By focusing on people who identify under the nonbinary umbrella, in addition to binary-identifying trans people, we hope to examine how gender, the sociopolitical world, and a person's sexual satisfaction all intersect.
The purpose of this research study is to learn from fathers of infants about their experiences with and role in infant bottle-feeding, their knowledge about responsive feeding, and what factors influence their engagement in infant feeding.
Learn if voice recognition technology can help in the early detection of memory problems We are inviting you to participate in a research study, Exploiting Voice Assistant Systems for Early Detection of Cognitive Decline, by completion of a virtual interaction involving a memory test, questionnaires, and interaction with Chat GPT and an Amazon Alexa. Our study team is seeking volunteers: • Aged 65 and older • Are healthy or have mild cognitive impairment • Have access to Wi-Fi and a quiet environment • Have the internet browser Google Chrome or are willing to install it on their personal computer This study involves: • 1 Zoom session • Completion of memory tests and questionnaires • Interaction with Amazon Alexa • Interaction with Chat GPT • Virtual visit will be audio and videotaped After the session, you will be compensated $20 for your participation.
Finding new drugs is a long, expensive process. Drug repurposing, using an old drug for a new disorder, can make this process shorter and cheaper, and can occur by chance when a patient has two medical conditions that are treatable by the same drug. We hope that including you, the consumer, as a partner in drug development through self-report of unexpected benefits from medicinal agents could identify some with potential for repurposing. Your responses to a short Social Media survey may help you and others in the future.