The purpose of the PREPARE Project is to advance the health interests of pregnant adolescents living with or at risk of HIV through building on the work of PHASES to develop an empirically informed Ethics Guidance to facilitate timely, responsible research with pregnant adolescents.
Are you concerned about the quality of the environment? Do you identify as Lumbee? If you are interested in helping to identify the most pressing environmental issues impacting Lumbee health, live in Robeson County and are over 18 you may be able to participate in a Talking Circle. Compensation provided
In this study, we want to improve a survey about alcohol use and responses to warning labels. We are looking for participants aged 21 and above who regularly consume alcohol. Your feedback will help refine our survey. It will also help us explore alcohol usage patterns and reactions to warning labels.
Is your child age 5,6 or 7? If so, you may be eligible for the LEED study on emotional development and mental health in children. You and your child can earn up to $695 in a combination of cash, gift cards, and prizes! No travel required!
In this study, we want to learn more about how people understand sentences on a computer screen. We are looking for English speakers who only speak one language and have no trouble reading or speaking. We will see if there are any differences in how people understand them.
In a descriptive study, we intend to explore the comparative efficacy of culturally tailored CPR training, with five components: language variations, cultural adaptations, sex/age-specific instruction, socioeconomic adaptations, and consideration of cultural learning styles. By examining these components, we seek to identify the most effective and culturally sensitive approaches to CPR education. The primary goal is to develop a culturally tailored CPR training curriculum that raises confidence levels of individuals in performing bystander CPR, thus increasing bystander CPR rates and the likelihood of positive cardiac arrest outcomes.
The purpose of this study is to investigate North Carolinian archival repositories' disaster preparedness for climate change induced flood risks.
Do you identify as South Asian and do you menstruate? Do you identify as South Asian and do you use or have you consider using contraception or birth control? Have you experienced bias when discussing menstruation or contraception? If so, you may be interested in this study to improve reproductive justice for South Asians in the United States.
Dear Colleagues and Students, We are conducting a study to understand how the quality of 2D and 3D ultrasound imaging of different organs (lungs, liver etc) can be improved. You may qualify if you 21 years and older Have no known lung and heart diseases Are not pregnant Participation involves A single laboratory visit Weighing and height measurement Being scanned with non-invasive ultrasound THERE IS NO DIRECT BENEFIT FROM PARTICIPATING IN THIS STUDY, BUT THE DATA WE COLLECT MYA HELP IMPROVE ULTRASOUND IMAGING FOR PATIENTS IN THE FUTURE For information please contact Oleksii Ostras by phone at 919-579-8328 or by email at Pinton Laboratory, Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering (9212 Mary Ellen Jones Biulding)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the intricate relationship between core stability, biomechanics, and performance outcomes in females, aiming to fill the existing knowledge gap by assessing the association of core stability tests with both ACL injury risk biomechanics and overall athletic performance, while also examining the impact of core stability on performance while mentally multitasking.