Have you been histologically or cytologically confirmed to have Recurrent/Metastatic Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma that is considered incurable by local therapies? If so, you may be able to participate in a research study seeking to find out if Amivantamab Monotherapy and/or Amivantamab in Addition to Standard of Care Therapeutic Agents can be an effective traetment.
Are you at least 25 years old? Have you ever been referred for a colposcopy and had routine cervical cancer screening with HPV testing? If so, you may be able to take part in a study on newer ways to test for cervical cancer! We want to see if collecting vaginal samples on your own will give us the same results as when a doctor collects a cervical sample. Compensation provided.
We are interested in hearing from you! Our study seeks to understand Black parents' ethnic-racial socialization practices among their Black youth with neurodevelopmental disabilities. We want to learn more about Black neurodivergent youths' mental health and school experiences as well. Those who identify as being part of the African diaspora, including Afro-Latine people, are eligible for the study.
Are you an adult between the ages of 18 and 35? Are you interested in brain research? If so, you may be able to participate in a study to see how people see social interactions in different situations. Compensation provided.
The study is researching an experimental drug called dupilumab. The study is focused on participants with active eosinophilic gastritis (EoG) with or without eosinophilic duodenitis (EoD). Participants with EoD only are not eligible for enrollment. EoG and EoD are uncommon, persistent, allergic/immune diseases in which eosinophils (a type of white blood cell) gather in large numbers in the stomach and small intestine and cause inflammation and damage.
The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of recombinant bovine lactoferrin on iron regulation, immune, and gut health. Free bloodwork and fitness results will be shared. You will be compensated for your time.
My name is Halden Levin, and I am an undergraduate Linguistics major. For my honors thesis, I am investigating factors influencing speech production and perception in American English and Taiwanese Mandarin. Researching these factors will allow us to better understand speech production and perception.
We are studying an investigational drug, Efruxifermin, to see if it will help in the treatment of liver inflammation and scarring (fibrosis) in adults diagnosed with NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) and MASH (metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis).
Have you been diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, have a T315I mutation, and previously treated with at least two tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs)? You might be able to participate in this study.
This study aims to understand how we can use fecal samples to measure cortisol levels in babies. Cortisol is used to measure stress biologically, and past research has used saliva or blood samples to do so. However, these measures can be hard to collect in infants, whereas diapers are relatively easy to obtain. We are aiming to determine whether cortisol in fecal samples changes throughout the day, like saliva or blood samples, or whether they are consistent like in urine. We will also use these data to investigate relationships between cortisol and composition of the gut microbiome, health, and infant distress. We are also measuring the composition of the skin microbiome to understand how the people a baby comes into contact with can affect their health.