Do you get a menstrual cycle? Do your symptoms vary with every cycle? Do you have Major depressive disorder? If so, you may be able to participate in a study looking at the effects of hormones like estrogen and progesterone affect mood. Compensation provided.
Do you ever feel sad or worried after losing a pregnancy or a newborn baby? Many women and families do, but not enough attention is given to this important issue. If you have experienced pregnancy loss or the loss of a newborn baby and want to help us understand more about these tough times, we need your voice. Your participation in our study could make a real difference in how we support others in similar situations in the future. Compensation provided.
Have you given birth in the past 12 months? Have you been feeling down or noticed any changes since then? If so, you may be able to participate in a study to see if a new medication can reduce symptoms of depression after childbirth, also known as postpartum depression. Compensation provided.
Are you Black/African American or have Middle Eastern ancestry? Are you not taking any medicines that could change your blood count? If so, you might be able to join a study to find out the normal levels of a type of blood cell called neutrophils. Compensation provided.
Do we feel fear to fall when walking for a long period of time as we age? If you are a healthy older adult (65-99 yrs), you may be able to participate in a study to find out how aging affects neuromuscular control and postural control during prolonged walking and whether carbon fiber insoles can reduce muscle fatigue.
Do you have an advanced cancer? Are you 60+ years old? If so, you may be able to take part in a study to understand how patients and doctors communicate when choosing treatments. Compensation provided.
In this study, we want to see how exercise affects the mental health of women in their first year of college. We want to find out if being active helps reduce feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress. We are also seeing how adjusting to college life affects these feelings.
Ultrasound imaging can be used to non-invasively estimate the stiffness and viscosity of tissues within the body in order to diagnose disease. Many tissues, such as muscle or breast, are anisotropic and display differing stiffness or viscosity based on the imaging angle. We aim to optimize an imaging sequence to measure stiffness, viscosity, and the degree of anisotropy (DoA) of these parameters in healthy human breast. This will enable future studies on the diagnostic value of ultrasound elastography for detecting breast pathologies.
Do you have a cancer that is advanced or metastatic? Has your cancer progressed on other standard of care therapies? If you answered yes, then this research study may be for you. Study drug will be provided
In the early 2000s, over 7,000 teenagers in North Carolina participated in the "Understanding Adolescent Health Risk Behaviors" project, which aimed to explore health and wellbeing of NC teens. With the information gathered in this project, researchers have been able to better understand school engagement, friendships, mental health, tobacco and alcohol use, and home lives of young people. The NC Life Study is an expansion, more than 20 years later, of the original adolescent health study. The NC Life Study seeks to connect experiences that people had as teenagers with the experiences they are having now as adults in order to understand how people's communities, social lives, and families affect health behaviors, mental health, and healthcare access in adulthood.