We are conducting interviews with members of the community to understand their perceptions related to mold in the home, and to capture any behaviors and concerns they have about mold.
Do you have a child aged 6-12? Are they with or without hearing loss? If so, they may be able to participate in a study to help us understand how we can help improve balance and activity in children with hearing loss. Compensation provided.
In this study, we want to learn more about the impacts of displacement due to a natural disaster in the United States. We are looking for professionals with experience in climate change and disaster mitigation and for those displaced due to a natural disaster. Findings from this study may help us understand how state infrastructure may impact climate change resiliency.
In this study, we want to improve virtual healthcare by seeking feedback from those who have used virtual care (ex. telehealth, or e-visits). We are looking for patients, administrators, providers or policymakers to provide feedback through individual, private interviews. Your perspective will help us to foster equitable and sustainable virtual care solutions.
Do you want to share your journey of overcoming addiction and nurturing a positive environment for your child? We are listening. If you are a mother in recovery with a child aged 6-12, you may be able to participate in a study that helps families facing similar challenges. Compensation and childcare will be provided.
The purpose of this research is to examine how listeners access and learn speech when listening in clear or challenging conditions. We are currently recruiting adults with normal hearing. Research participants may be asked to complete listening tasks, complete questionnaires, and complete sleep tracking measures. The research study is expected to take 7 days of participation and will be completed with 2 in-person sessions. The goal of this research is to contribute to a better understanding of how listeners learn new speech signals, and in so doing, point to rehabilitation considerations for listeners with hearing loss.
Are you a young adult ages 18-24 who identifies as LGBTQ+, speaks English, and lives in North Carolina? You may be eligible for a 1-time interview to help us understand diverse voices and perspectives on experiences of sexual identity management and well-being among LGBTQ+ young adults. Participants who complete the interview will receive a $40 virtual gift card.
Do you have multiple chronic conditions? Are you between the ages 65 and 85? Do you feel a lack of strength? If so, you may be able to take part in a study about patterns in certain blood proteins. We want to understand how a protein supplement called β-hydroxy-methyl-butyrate (HMB) works in older adults who feel tired or have less muscle strength. Compensation provided.
The purpose of this study is to examine associations between an athlete's concussion history, perceived social support, perceived stress, and kinesiophobia (fear of movement) symptoms. A better understanding of these associations may help clinicians and researchers understand the importance of implementing mental health care into the rehabilitation process of recovering from a concussion.
Are you an undergraduate student at UNC? Are you Asian or from an Asian country? If you answered yes to both, you could join a research study. We are looking for students like you to discuss college admissions topics with fellow Asian students. Compensation will be provided.