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Research Studies

UNC-Chapel Hill Division of Hematology

31 studies match your search

Randomized Study of Sonrotoclax + Zanubrutinib vs Venetoclax + Obinutuzumab in Pts w/ CLL

Have you been diagnosed with a cancer called Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)? . If so, you may be able to take part in a research study looking at the effectiveness of combination treatments of the drugs (sonrotoclax + Zanubrutinib) or (venetoclax + Obinutuzumab) for patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) .

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Blood Conditions
  • Cancer (Leukemia, Lymphoma)

A Comparator Study of a Tasso device to traditional venous blood sampling methods for CBC in patients with leukemia, lymphoma, or other blood cell disorders

Do you have Leukemia, Lymphoma or any other blood disorder that requires you to have frequent visits to have laboratory tests? You maybe able to participate in a study using a device to help monitor your abnormal blood levels.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Blood Conditions
  • Cancer (Leukemia, Lymphoma)

Testing Continuous Versus Intermittent Treatment With the Study Drug Zanubrutinib for Older Patients With Previously Untreated Mantle Cell Lymphoma [A052101]

Are you over 60 and were recently diagnosed with mantle cell lymphoma? You may be able to participate in a research study to determine whether patients who reach complete disease remission after treatment with rituximab and zanubrutinib, will remain longer in remission with or without continuous zanubrutinib treatment.

Age & Gender
  • 60 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Cancer (Lymphoma)
Coming Soon

An Acute Leukemia Study

The purpose of this study is to find out if treatment with the study drug, Bexmarilimab, along with standard of care can help with your type of cancer.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Cancer (Leukemia)

Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Study

Have you been diagnosed with Leukemia and looking for another option? Do you have Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia? In this study, we want to learn more about how effective the study drug (asciminib) works for patients with CML-CP who have had one prior therapy.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Cancer (Leukemia)

Understanding Outcome Differences in Adolescents and Young Adults with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

If you or your child has been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), you or they might be able to take part in a research study. This study aims to understand why there are differences in outcomes in adolescents and young adults treated for ALL.

Age & Gender
  • 15 years ~ 39 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Cancer (Pediatric Cancers, Leukemia)
  • Child and Teen Health

Blood Clotting Risk in Blood Cancer Study

Want to help improve the treatment of people with chronic blood cancers? We are looking for healthy volunteers to take part in a simple blood-draw study. If you are generally healthy and are not taking blood thinners, you may be able to help improve treatment for patients with chronic blood cancers by donating a tablespoon of blood. This study aims to understand why individuals with chronic blood cancers have a high risk of blood clots as compared to healthy individuals, by comparing (1) the ability of blood to clot in a test tube and (2) changes in white blood cells that make them more likely to stick to blood vessels between healthy individuals and individuals with chronic blood cancers.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Healthy Volunteer or General Population

Our HHT Registry

Are you an adult with Hereditary Hemorrhageic Telangiectasia (HHT) ? Information about people living with this rare genetic disease HHT is urgently needed. The purpose of this study is to collect a bank of information about people living with HHT to better understand HHT, the symptoms and complications it causes and how the disease impacts people's lives.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Rare Diseases
By physician referral or invitation only

Testing the Usability of a Patient-Centered Tool

We are developing a computer-based tool for people who have cancers of the blood, bone marrow, and lymph nodes. This tool will help us understand what is most important to patients when it comes to the results of their treatment. We are looking for healthy volunteers (those without cancer) to help us test the usability of this tool.

Age & Gender
  • 21 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Healthy Volunteer or General Population

Testing the Addition of Lenalidomide and Nivolumab to the Usual Treatment for Primary CNS Lymphoma

Have you been diagnosed with primary central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma? If so you may be able to take part in a research study looking at whether using the study drugs lenalidomide, and nivolumab can be safely used in addition to the standard treatment of primary CNS lymphoma, and which dose is the most adequate when they are used together.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Cancer (Lymphoma)
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